Blogs, News & Updates

Availability and agenda preview

Indeqa has been updated with new functionality! From this month on, you can request the availability of your meeting location, preview your agenda and install the add-in on SharePoint with much more ease:

Meeting room availability

Do you want to be sure that the meeting room is available for your meeting? That's possible as of now, while you are planning your meeting. You will see the availability of your meeting room along with the availability of any meeting participants right from within the meeting wizard.


New functionality: agenda preview

Next to the existing minutes preview, we now added an agenda preview. With this preview you can view the agenda that will be sent to participants who have opted for receiving the attachments by email, instead of through the app. An added advantage of this preview is that the meeting organizer will now be able to give the agenda a quick once over, to see if it is complete, and includes all the necessary attachments and topic descriptions.


Easy2Meet installation

Installing Indeqa on SharePoint is easier. The adminstrator will no longer have to take extra steps to install the add-in. Only when installing the add-in for the first time will a consent be necessary for integration with Office 365. Afterwards, users can easily install Indeqa on their own sites without any mandatory steps on the part of the administrator.

Short term roadmap

A lot of new functionality has been added for meeting organizers in the last few months. Right now, we are planning on updating the participant app. We will add visual updates and use the feedback we have received from customers to make the app even better. A sneak preview of things that will be realised:

  • A decision overview
  • Updating the user experience while reading attachments
  • Updating the app to better accommodate working offline
  • And more…

Continuous deployment

Indeqa is all about you! We think it's important to deploy updates fast and continuously. For this process your feedback and ideas are invaluable! If you have ideas that might be important to you and other customers, please let us know by sending an e-mail to: or filling in our contact form.