Blogs, News & Updates

Hotkeys for topics, the Outlook add-in, time zone turbulence and more

This release contains small updates and hotfixes for meeting organizers!

Using hotkeys when creating topics

Good news for meeting organizers: from now you can indent and outdent new topics using the Tab and Shift + Tab keys. Adding topics to the agenda has never been easier. By using the keyboard you can easily switch between topic levels, and you can keep typing without having to switch between keyboard and mouse:


New version Outlook add-in

The latest version of the Outlook add-in has been released. This version is faster (and better) than the previous one. Thanks to tips and comments by customers, the add-in has reached a more mature state. From now on you can also easily use appointments from other calendars than your own. If you have delegated access to a different mailbox, you can now select meetings in that mailbox and use them in Indeqa. The e-mailaddress of the calendar will automatically be used as organizer. This is ideal if you are (for example) organizing meetings on behalf of your boss.

The Outlook add-in has also successfully passed the beta-stage. If you have any remarks that could make this add-in even better, we of course still want to hear it. If you have already installed the add-in, you'll automatically receive the update within a couple of days. You can download it here too.

Time zone turbulence

Confusion regarding the start time of a meeting, did you experience that too? If you planned a meeting in Indeqa at 12 'o clock, in outlook it could sometimes look like the meeting would start at 10 'o clock. The reason of the confusion was the default timezone, which was set to 'Coordinated Universal Time', for any meeting requests sent from Indeqa. To prevent any more confusion, the time zone of the organizer will henceforth be used when sending meeting requests.


…and more

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Continuous updates and improvement

Indeqa is all about you! We think it's important to deploy updates fast and continuously. For this process your feedback and ideas are invaluable! If you have ideas that might be important to you and other customers, please let us know by sending an e-mail to: or filling in our contact form.