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3 methods for decision-making in a board meeting

During a board meeting is often a need to make important decisions. Decision-making is a difficult task for organizations, especially if the decision has to be made within a large group. Of course you want everyone to support the decision, but too many people can create problems in the decision-making process.

There is no fixed formula for making the right decision. Surely, every organisation is different, but do you not know where to start? We would like to give you three examples for good decision-making;

3 methodes for making descisions

  1. Method 1: One person decides
    In this case, only one person (or select committee) makes the decision. This is often an authoritarian person within the organisation who is authorised to make decisions. Commonly, this person first asks for information and advice within the organisation, before a decision is actually made.

  2.  Method 2: Majority rules
    In this method, several stakeholders come together during a decision-making meeting and vote on the issue at hand. After the voting round, the votes are counted and the decision with the most votes wins. Ideally, this voting takes place before the meeting.

  3.  Method 3: Consent, everyone can relate
    This is a method that is often chosen when not everyone is in agreement. You try to find a solution that everyone agrees with. The only downside is that not everyone is 100% satisfied with the decision, but at least there is a decision to which everyone agrees to some extent.

Decision captured in an advanced way

After a decision has been made, it is important to capture it so all participants of the board meeting are aware of the decisions that have been made. But how do you do this efficiently? You can choose to include the decisions in the minutes and share them afterwards with the participants. Do you use Indeqa? Then there is a more efficient way to do this.

At Indeqa it is possible to add decisions for every agenda item. You provide decisions with a decision date for formal reporting. These decisions are then automatically placed in an orderly manner in the minutes. In addition, you can always easily find the decisions in the portal or in the app.